frozen parrot joke #1

so i'm a retired pirate, see? 
drink my beer and watch tv 
but that damned bird won't shut his hole 
he's always cussin' like a ho' 
[parrot]Fuck you, One-Eye! Fuck you, One Eye! 
[pirate]Shut yer yap or I'll stuff you in the freezer! 
[parrot]Fuck you, One-Eye! Fuck you, One Eye! 
[pirate]Shut yer yap or I'll stuff you in the freezer! 
shut yer beak, can't take no more 
squawking, shitting on the floor 
it's bad enough the way you smell 
without your givin' me such hell 
[parrot]Fuck you, One-Eye! Fuck you, One Eye! 
[pirate]Shut yer yap or I'll stuff you in the freezer! 
[parrot]Fuck you, One-Eye! Fuck you, One Eye! 
[pirate]Stop that noise or I'll stuff you in the freezer! 
[pirate]All right you bastard, in you go ([parrot]Fuck you! Fuck you!) 
[pirate]Lock your ass up where it's cold 
switch baywatch on and crack a brew 
oh shit! I've left him in since two...